祖與占 Jules and Jim
Francois Truffaut 杜魯福

電影史上最美麗動人的愛情故事。第一次在電影中心看的時候是昏昏欲睡的,那時還不知道為什麼這部電影是歌頌青春的愛情經典,是否人就在不知不覺中感受到青 春的來臨?這一刻,誰也會想成為Catherine,那神秘、漂亮,追求自由與愛的女子,女扮男裝在天橋上奔跑,率性的跳入水中,以及最後與占共赴黃泉, 浪漫到死。那現在看來是陳腔濫調的情節和對白,看起上還感到清新動人,喜歡那Jump cut,讓我更喜歡珍.摩露(Jane Moreau)。

I'm used to her infidelities but... I couldn't bear for her to leave

Beware! True, she maintains order and harmony in our home. But when all goes too well, she becomes discontented.

I envy you your broad scope, Jim
Me?I'm a failure.

So you won the war, you devil!I'd rather have won this.

Jules' country had lost, Jim 's had won. But the real victory was they were alive.

Jim felt she (Catherine) was Jules' and didn't think about her, the clam smile returned to Catherine's lips...Naturally, expressing everything

You said "I love you!" and I said "Stay!"
I nearly said "Take me!" but you said "Go away!"



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