
Dear Li Ping Ping
my name is Till Weingaertner. I am the programme assitant of Berlin
Asia-Pacific Film Festival. It is my big pleasure to inform you that "A
Moment in Time" has been selected for a screening during our festival.
Congratulations! We are looking very much forward to presenting it to
our audience here in Berlin.

I would like to ask you to provide me with photos of the film and of
yourself by eMail. Some written information on the film and yourself
Unfortunately there has been some delays here at the festival, so I
would appreciate it very much if you could send me those and maybe also
the written information too as soon as possible. Thank you very much.

Warm wishes from all of us here in Berlin
Till Weingaertner

早上我就在房中高呼起來,立刻打電話給沉睡中的陳瀚恩和黃盈盈--兩個替我成就這件 事最多的人。我感到全身在熱血沸騰,情緒高漲到現在還是未能平伏,可是我還是保持平靜讓自己成為一個正常人,如常地工作。但我實在太高興了,我沒理由不高 興的,沒理由去禁止自己瘋狂的叫醒他人,沒理由阻止自己因為快樂而高呼,沒理由不去為我們的努力得到肯定而感動。我明白,那不是很有名的電影節,我的作品 連我自己也不喜歡,可能有很多同學也能夠參展,但如果我不發揮自己的虛榮去自大,去為人生第一次參展而興奮,那很快,我就沒有「拍野」的動力。我很久也沒 有感到「快樂」的感覺,因為沒有快樂就沒有不快樂,然而這段文字,只寫出那一丁點快樂而已。


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